The Master’s Program in Community Development organized a visit to Jalazon Camp on 11/16/2024, accompanied by Dr. Hadeel Fawadleh, who teaches the course “Community Development and Palestinian Refugees”. This visit comes within the framework of achieving one of the course’s objectives, which is to link theoretical knowledge (development and Palestinian refugee communities in the colonial context) with practical applications on the ground. The visit was coordinated with the Popular Committee of Jalazon Camp, to whom we are grateful for their cooperation. The students visited social, cultural and economic institutions and centers, accompanied by representatives of the Popular Committee, and learned about the methods, objectives, and work of these institutions. They also visited the remains of houses that were built with support from UNRWA in the early Nakba years. The visit focused on three aspects related to the course: – International institutions supporting the improvement of the living conditions of Palestinian refugees – Policies for obtaining grants/development projects – Self-development/local development of the camp and the role of refugees themselves – Contradictions and intersections between refugee status, poverty, development, (national) awareness and rights (the right of return).

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