
Palestinian Children in the Labour Market A Qualitative Participatory Study

Development Study Programm & UNICEF

The current study underlined many vital issues that had not been examined before, in particular the factors and causes giving rise to child labour. It also highlighted the concept of child labour itself, considered by some of the families and the children as a “positive form of solidarity”, rather than a violation of the rights of the child. This is an analytical contribution that requires in-depth discussion and determination of the particular circumstances that would render such labour a violation of their rights. The study also identified the nature and characteristics of children in the labour market, what language they use to describe their work, the level of disillusionment and suspicion with which they view their own future, and how this is reflected in the fatalism that marks some of their actions (even though these children bear big responsibilities within their families) and in their ability to take important decisions pertaining to their lives and the lives of their families. In addition, this study relies on the point of views of working children, especially those involved in what is described as the worst forms of labour. It is their perspectives that matter: their personal accounts of their livelihood, work conditions family relations, legal frameworks, institutional settings, and proposed recommendations.



About Author

Editorial Board - CDS Birzeit, Palestine

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