Poll No. 15 A Specialized Poll on the Proposed Palestinian Elections and Other Issues: Living Conditions, Evaluation of Government. Field Research: January 28-30, 2004 Date of Publication: February 18, 2004 Sample Size: 1200 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Number of Sampling Localities: 75 Margin of Error: ± 3% For questions or inquiries, please contact Dr. Nader Said or Ayman Abdulmajeed at the listed numbers. DSP opinion polls are supervised by an independent Palestinian team of academic experts (see our website). All results represent the opinions of the respondents and do not represent the viewpoint of Birzeit University or the Development Studies Programme or any other related body. For details on our methodology, refer to our web page. Many thanks go to the field researchers, and to the International Republican Institute (IRI) for their support. Headlines: Deterioration of living conditions in the Palestinian territories continues: the monthly income of 78% of surveyed Palestinian households is less than USD 385 (a daily average of USD 1.9 per capita in a household of 6.7 persons) 67% support stopping attacks against Israeli civilian targets provided that Israel ends violence against Palestinians. Less than a quarter of the respondents (23%) consider the performance of Ahmad Qurei’s government as (good), whereas 30% consider it as (fair) and 33% consider it as (weak). A majority is willing to participate in the proposed elections (75% for presidential elections, 72% for municipal elections, and 66% for legislative). Considerable lack in information on the Elections Law and mechanisms of registration. A majority (54%) do not follow up on news concerning elections. 57% of the surveyed believe that Yasser Arafat is the most qualified person for the leadership of the Palestinian people and that he may be nominated for the position of PNA presidency. A minority (17%) will re-elect the present members in the Palestinian Legislative Council and 19% will re-elect the present members in the municipalities. The majority of respondents (70%) reported that they will vote for competent nominees regardless of ideology and factional affiliations. Honesty – transparency is the most important characteristic sought in a candidate (97%). 35% of the surveyed prefer a (mixed system) for the proposed Legislative Council elections, 32% prefer a (simple majority) system and 20% support a (proportional representation) system. The majority (61%) prefer a presidential governance system over a parliamentary system (39%). Decline in willingness to vote for women candidates; instead a majority (65%) prefers allocating quota for women in the Legislative and Local Councils. 38% of the surveyed declared that they will elect a Fatah – led bloc, while 21% will vote for a Hamas – led bloc in case of elections. | ||
2004 Opinion Poll #15

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