The National Policy for Youth and Adolescents
Finished Projects
With the aim of creating an appropriate developmental environment that achieves
the Palestinian people’s aspirations and purposes, it is important for national
policies and plans to adopt an orientation and methodology that take into
consideration the diversity of points of view and ensure an integration for the
good and benefit of the various age groups. Although young people (15-24) form
a considerable proportion of the Palestinian society who have suffered greatly
under Israeli occupation, they have been somewhat neglected by development
planners and policymakers. We believe it is now time to give the youth more
importance and space in national and sartorial development plans.
Concept of the “National Policy”
The National Policy for the Youth and adolescents consists of guiding
principles and actions (terms of reference) adopted by governmental and
non-governmental organizations. This policy clearly defines the place and role
of the youth in society in addition to their responsibilities and vision of
their present and future, taking into consideration their needs, aspirations
and problems in a manner that leads to their integration in the development
process as partners and beneficiaries.
Project Objective
- Preparing a National Policy and a work plan for the Youth of Palestine (WBG)
- Enhancing awareness of youth and adolescent priorities, rights and fears.
- Lobbying with decision makers to develop the living conditions of youth and adolescents.
- Building the capacities of the staff of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and other governmental and non-governmental organizations through (MOYS) their participation in the process of policy preparation.
- Activating the participation of youth and adolescents in all the stages of formulation of the policy.
The methodology is based on 3 main basic and integrated aspects:
- Research
The research will rely on participatory approach, Documented scientific research and Comparative studies will also be utilized. - Advocacy/ awareness raising
thru media tools
The research methodology elaborated above is intrinsically related to practical steps in way of awareness-raising, advocacy, and lobbying. - Capacity Building
The capacity building process includes project staff (MOYS) regarding, steering committees and facilitators, media persons and youth, and members of the thematic groups.
Partnership and Project Management Team
The project national steering committee consists of representatives of governmental
and non-governmental organizations. The development studies programme/ Birzeit
University will manage the project in partnership with the MOYS and UNICEF .

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