Distance Learning Program (Ya Noon)
Finished Projects
Support by Community Fund and Friends of Birzeit University (UK)
The underlying idea for this project is to produce a drama series for
television viewers that deals with life concepts from a development perspective
and at the same time offers training in language skills. The viewer wishing to
learn by watching the series can be helped by a member of the family, without
resorting to conventional methods followed by literacy courses. The series is
based on linguistic applications, similar to those in “My First
Reading.” A textbook that was produced by the Literacy and Adult Education
Unit at Birzeit University and has been broadcasted on Palestinian Television,
and other local television channels, with the cooperation of the Ministry of
and Method of Work
The series will be produced in seventeen parts, after reviewing its contents by
the Ministry of Education and by specialists in literacy work and adult
education. The series will be pilot-tested and evaluated in seven Palestinian
villages, through the work of fourteen male and female instructors experienced
in the field of adult education and literacy. These instructors have also
received 38 hours of training to enhance their understanding of developmental
education and to reinforce developmental methods in education and distance
learning. The instructors will follow-up and provide orientation to those
adults wishing to learn in the seven villages. At a later stage, an evaluation
will take place of the role of the television series in distance education for
There were reasons for choosing this unconventional method. Conventional
methods of teaching were confronted with the problem of illiterate women being
unable to find sufficient time on their hands to join courses in literacy
centers due to their preoccupation in housekeeping and household care, in
addition to other psychological pressures that stood in the way of those
wishing to learn. Furthermore, this new method could circumvent the problem of
limited financial resources needed to open literacy centers.
is YA..NOON?
Ya..Noon is a TV series for adult learning and civic educating directed to
young and adult, men and women.
Ya..Noon deals with issues of early marriage, [kin] marriage, inheritance,
pregnancy, children, gender, nutrition, education, human rights, refugee camps,
immigration, environment, water, agriculture, democracy, participation,
Jerusalem, closure and land.
Ya..Noon encourages students to contribute in building a content Arab family that is more just and united. It encourages participation in developing an Arab society based on human development, empowerment and equality among all.
Ya..Noon , incidents that occur in Palestine,
which attempts to solve joint Arab concerns and issues.
Ya..Noon , a drama crosses borders and reaches to every man and woman, young
and old in the Arab world.
Ya..Noon , a Palestinian production that was achieved despite the closures,
checkpoints and the Israeli oppression during the Intifada.
Ya..Noon is a TV series consisting of 17 episodes, which will be aired on
local, national, and Arab TV channels.
Ya..Noon is for the use of governmental and non-governmental institutes in the
field of civic education.
Yanoun: a village in north of Palestine which is under constant assaults from
settlers and attempts to depopulate it.
To open the opportunity for men and women, under the increasing family
obligations, to education whether they are among their family or friends and
according to their schedule.
To grant the chance for men and women who cannot reach illiteracy centers to
learn via television.
To provide an educational material based on active education and initiation
derived from students.
To provide an educational material based on principles of civil learning that
complements the tutorial curricula used in illiteracy centers.
To provide a material for the institutes that work in the field of civic
education. It deals with a variety of social issues and can be used for all the
various sectors of the society.
YA..NOON is a Birzeit University (Development
Studies Program) production
Production carried out by SmartFrame Co.
Support by Community Fund and Friends of Birzeit University (UK)
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