
Public Opinion Polls, 1997-2007 (Archive)

Public Opinion Polls, 1997-2007 (Archive)

Finished Projects


The Centre conducted regular public opinion polls in the period between 1998 and 2007, in addition to our work in the survey unit.

The Centre conducted its first public opinion poll in 1998 and has completed more that 40 such polls. The Centre’s opinion polls played an important role in providing constructive information and analyses to policy and decision makers, as well as to planners. They assisted the management of the development process.

The Centre’s opinion polls are not just limited to political issues, but cover all aspects of Palestinian life. These polls are important as they provided monitoring for the ongoing national struggle as it unfolds side by side with the building of governmental and civil society institutions.

The Centre’s polls also have the added benefit of stimulating and enriching debate within Palestinian society on various social, political and economic issues.

About Author

Editorial Board - CDS Birzeit, Palestine

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