Finished Projects
Center for Development Studies In Cooperation with Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
The project is funded by DfID CSCF
Aims and Objectives
The project aimed to empower People with Disabilities (PWD) to become key agents of change within their communities, enabling them to effectively self advocate using national and international legal frameworks and Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) practice guidelines. Specifically to lobby and support local government and Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in how to adopt and implement accessible and inclusive standards of practice, creating positive examples of successful inclusion which can be used to influence change at a national level.
Project Duration: 3.5 years
- PWDs in targeted areas of the oPt will be supported to know their rights and entitlements under Palestinian and international legislation as well as how to best claim them. This group will be an ongoing resource to train and influence change in practice and awareness of disability rights within the family, community and development organizations in their districts.
- Community based organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, will have the knowledge, awareness and confidence to include PWDs within their planning, implementation and evaluation of development programmes and activities.
- Increased access to disability information, training, resource materials and research produced and developed by and with PWDs to act as an evidence base to influence policy and practice at local and national level; lessons from which will also be shared further a field.
- Project Publications:

(Arabic Only) Disability Etiquette Guide
Imad Sayrafi and Ikhlas Shtayya
The boooklet focuses on the etiquette of communitcating with people with different disabilities, it is intended to be a very simple guide and offers an introduction on communication and best methods to communicate with people with various disabilites, by focusing on certain things to take into consideration for different types of disability, the booklet also offers advice on language and practices that are inclusive and positive towards people with disabilities
This Booklet is Only Available in Arabic
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